Mesh creation with Gmsh#

Gmsh allows CAD modelling as well as mesh generation. It comes with its own scripting language that we use to build the geometry.

Create a file called tutorial.geo and open it with your favourite text editor.

We first define a few parameters. These parameters can be either set from the Gmsh GUI or from the command line using -setnumber.

DefineConstant[ res = {20.0, Min 0, Max 10, Name "Domain resolution" } ];
DefineConstant[ res_f = {0.25, Min 0, Max 10, Name "Fault resolution" } ];
DefineConstant[ dip = {60, Min 0, Max 90, Name "Dipping angle" } ];


The last line enables the OpenCASCADE CAD kernel that we use to create our geometry. The dip angle is converted from degrees to radians and a few constants to define the bounding box are set:

dip_rad = dip * Pi / 180.0;
W = 40.0;
H = 100.0;
dX = 100.0;
X0 = -dX;
X1 = H * Cos(dip_rad) / Sin(dip_rad) + dX;
Y0 = -H;

We create our domain \([X_0,X_1] \times [Y_0, 0]\):

box = news; Rectangle(box) = {X0, Y0, 0.0, X1-X0, -Y0};

See also

The domain dimensions are given in kilometres. Thus, we are going to scale the Lamé parameters accordingly.

We then insert a fault. As we are going to vary the a-parameter from 0 km to 40 km depth, we split the fault to later set a higher resolution in the upper part of the fault.

p1 = newp; Point(p1) = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, res_f};
p2 = newp; Point(p2) = {W * Cos(dip_rad) / Sin(dip_rad), -W, 0.0, res_f};
p3 = newp; Point(p3) = {H * Cos(dip_rad) / Sin(dip_rad), -H, 0.0, res_f};

fault1 = newl; Line(fault1) = {p1,p2};
fault2 = newl; Line(fault2) = {p2,p3};

The mesh generator is currently unaware of the fault. Hence, we intersect the fault with the domain:

v[] = BooleanFragments{ Surface{box}; Delete; }{ Line{fault1, fault2}; Delete; };

The Line-IDs have changed in the above boolean operation. We recover the individual lines by searching them inside bounding boxes:

eps = 1e-3;
top[] = Curve In BoundingBox{X0-eps, -eps, -eps, X1+eps, eps, eps};
bottom[] = Curve In BoundingBox{X0-eps, Y0-eps, -eps, X1+eps, Y0+eps, eps};
left[] = Curve In BoundingBox{X0-eps, Y0-eps, -eps, X0+eps, eps, eps};
right[] = Curve In BoundingBox{X1-eps, Y0-eps, -eps, X1+eps, eps, eps};

Finally, we set resolution parameters, assign boundary conditions, and set the mesh format to version 2.2.

MeshSize{ PointsOf{Surface{:};} } = res;
MeshSize{ PointsOf{Line{fault1};} } = res_f;

Physical Curve(1) = {bottom(),top()};
Physical Curve(3) = {fault1,fault2};
Physical Curve(5) = {left[],right[]};
Physical Surface(1) = {v[]};

Mesh.MshFileVersion = 2.2;

The argument of Physical Curve must be set to 1, 3, or 5. A 1 stands for free surface, 3 for fault, and 5 for Dirichlet boundary condition.

We can now generate the mesh and adjust the resolution and dip angle from the command line. E.g.

$ gmsh -2 tutorial.geo -setnumber res_f 0.5